Friday, April 30, 2010

Ran into the first snag of the project - we have orangburg sewer pipe - which meant nothing to me until yesterday when now we have to replace the pipe clear out into the street. The pipe has not gone bad yet, but it is just a matter of time so we decided we might as well do it now while our driveway is gone and they can dig it all up. The hole in this picture about six feet underground is the original septic tank for the house and the old sprinkler lines that we figured ran right beside the original driveway.
The hole for the sewer - you can see the ladder sticking out is about an eight foot ladder. The kids wanted to go play in this hole last night after the excavator left until I told them what it was for - not as interested any more!
By the way - It snowed yesterday....I am so ready for a real spring!


amy morgan said...

don't you love that what seems like a "simple" project turns into 18 other "projects"!! I think you're smart to fix it now, though!! Good luck with the rest - hopefully this will be your only snag!

Anonymous said...

hey, i happen to know a guy who does that kind of work! Chad!! Call him 801-644-8276

Anonymous said...

Ok....funny! I just talked to Chad, and he IS doing the work! LOL!

Anonymous said...

YOu seem so patient, or do your true feelings not translate on blogging. Good luck. You are awesome.