Monday, September 22, 2008


Just incase you have been wondering what it feels like to drop a dutch oven from waist heighth onto your big toe - it hurts bad!!!! I now have a purple, throbbing toe that hurts to have any pressure on it. I wouldn't suggest you try it for yourself!!


jjcrew said...

Good to know. I just bought Jared a dutch oven for his birthday today.

Shelley Hansen said...

I have dropped cans of food, but never a dutch oven. My 2 year old dropped a cynder block on his the other day. He cried for over an hour.. I finally gave him tylenol with codiene!

amy morgan said...

Hey, Suzanne! Sorry to just show up like this, but through 'blog stalking' others, I found yours! Hope that's not too scary! It's me, Amy Steed ;) Hope the toe is feeling better - - your kids are so cute! Please for give me for intruding, but I was so excited to find you! Looks as though things are well with you and yours! (well, except for the throbbing toe!)