Sunday, November 30, 2008


I'm still going private - I just haven't done it yet so add you email if you haven't already and I'll get around to it... Here are a few of the things we've been doing -

Girl's Day Out - Ryan had to work all day yesterday so us girls decided to have a day out. We started at our neice's baby shower, did a little shopping, went to lunch, went to a movie (Bolt), and then went to the light parade. I have to say there are a few perks to going to a parade in November - not near as many people! We had a great day and I love that my girls are getting older and we can go do fun things together - I'm sure there will be many girl days to come!!!

Happy Thanksgiving! We went to Ryan's mom's in the morning and saw everyone there and then I cooked my first Thanksgiving dinner for my sister's family and us. It actually turned out really well - I think I could do it again.
Here are all the little girls - they thought they all needed to dressed up like princesses for dinner - luckily we have plenty of princess dresses in our home to go around!

Here are our table decorations. Morgan spent Wednesday making fun little decorations for Thanksgiving dinner! She is a very creative little girl!

A few weekends ago Ryan decided that they needed to camp out. The tent got pitched in the backyard and the girls had a great time. We roasted hotdogs and smores in our fire pit, played "ghosts in the graveyard", and then they got all cuddled up in the tent and watched movies until they fell asleep. I boycotted the sleeping in the tent- I will camp in the summer, but I draw the line in November. Maddie showed up in my bed about midnight - she aparently was not cooperating and was kicked out of the tent!!


Shelley Hansen said...

I have been wondering when you were going to go private.. i am glad to hear that you have not forgotten it. Cute table decorations. I am gald that you had a nice Thanksgiving.

Adrianne said...

Hey - what cute girls you have and you are such a good mom to them!! Be sure to add me to your blog when you go private. I need to do that on my blog as well, but haven't yet. Have fun (you always do) and we really need to play sometime!!

jjcrew said...

Hey--this year was the first time I cooked Thanksgiving dinner too. Waaay cute table decoration! Ooo, I'd better not show your camping pics to Jared. He's trying to convince me to put a firepit in our backyard. I'm just not seeing it when we don't have much space to begin with.